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InsectsButterflyHMCMS:Bi2003.16.369When observing the colourful wings of the butterfly Aglais io as it sips nectar from buddleia in the garden or from a variety of meadow and woodland flowers, it is easy to understand why it is called ...Visit Page
InsectsBeetleHMCMS: Bi2019.2.6695The Oak Pin-hole Borer, Platypus cylindrus , is a wood borer – not a wood feeder. It is one of a species of small beetles (usually only about 5mm long) where an adult male, attracted to the smell of ...Visit Page
InsectsBeetleHMCMS: Bi1973.2.999The 25-30mm long Common cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha , may be observed at the end of April or in May (hence their alternative name ‘Maybug’). Adults live for about six weeks feeding on flowers ...Visit Page
InsectsFlyHMCMS:Bi2017.1.2551The Lesser house fly, Fannia canicularis , frequently enters buildings between the months of May and October. It may be seen silently flying in a semi-rectangular circuit around down-hanging objects ...Visit Page
InsectsFlyHMCMS:Bi2019.2.3300With its broad hairy body, it is not surprising that the common name for Bombylius major is the ‘Large bee fly’, and it may easily be mistaken in flight for a bumblebee. This resemblance to bees ...Visit Page
InsectsFlyHMCMS Bi2018.1. 2355Like other members of the cranefly family Tipulidae, the long, spindly legs of Tanyptera atrata give them the nickname ‘Daddy-long-legs’. Craneflies are often attracted to lights and may enter through ...Visit Page