Engine, traction engine,The Little Giant, Vehicle Registration No: AP 9027, Class C Compound Road Locomotive, body and boiler painted green with yellow line, flywheel rim black with red line, wheels red with yellow line, 'Frank Duke Builder and Contractor, Steyning', 6hp, 3 speed , 3 shaft, made by Tasker and Sons, Waterloo Ironworks, Abbotts Ann, Hampshire, 1915
with side mounted valves, draincocks, blower, eccentric drieven mechanical lubricator, displacement lubricator, modified Tasker Double High system regulator, equilibrium and simpling valves, fot and hand operated flywheel band brake, hand rim brake, twin injectors, cable drum, full springing, pin pan, belly tank, waterlift
with side mounted valves, draincocks, blower, eccentric drieven mechanical lubricator, displacement lubricator, modified Tasker Double High system regulator, equilibrium and simpling valves, fot and hand operated flywheel band brake, hand rim brake, twin injectors, cable drum, full springing, pin pan, belly tank, waterlift