Anglo Parisian Association School of Dress Cutting, Draping and Design

Collection of objects from the Anglo Parisian Association School of Dress Cutting, Draping and Design.

The instruction manual provides details of how to use with following instructions and fabric to practice making the intended designs. The design on the front of the guide is of a breast pleat which is created by taking specific measurements, and by using the charts, the individual is left with a tailored breast pleat, see the square scale chart. The square also provides guidance for choosing a body plan of the system using bust and waist measurements. Likely, this instruction manual would have been part of a series or collections of guides that would enable individuals to eventually create their own tailored piece of clothing. This would have been beneficial both for apprentice tailors as well as domestic households. Lastly, these charts include a Royal Letter Patent seal meaning that the intellectual property is protected. 

List of objects:

  1. Instruction book
  2. Pattern pieces (Not located) 
  3. Oval curve measuring chart 
  4. Arm scale chart
  5. Square scale chart
  6. Triangle for shoulder, back and neck line
  7. Black cardboard case for design and cutting charts

These objects were audited and researched as part of the NLHF Data Hunters and Story Gatherers project.

Made possible with Heritage Fund
Book of instruction, priced at one shilling.
Curved oval scale with measurements for small pleats, side piece, arm holes and neck.
Curved arm scale with holes in one inch intervals either side.
A square scale chart comparing measurements with the recommended cutting size.
Triangle chart with lines for the back neck line, shoulder line and back shoulder.