Brass rubbing, in black heel-ball, on white paper, John Shelley, 1526, in armour with tabard, and wife, Elizabeth (Michilgrove) in heraldic mantle, Trinity, 4 shields, 4 lines of Latin inscription, church at Clapham, Sussex, by Herbert Druitt, 1876-1943
' At the neck is worn a partlet, seen by the opening of the gown, and is usually of fine linen pleated and gathered round the neck. The pedimental head-dress, though its older variety is frequently found worn with the above dress, now assumes the form with which we are familiar in Holbein's portraits of the Queens and Court Ladies of Henry VIII' (Source: A Manual of Costume as Illustrated by Monumental Brasses, Herbert Druitt, pub.1906)
' At the neck is worn a partlet, seen by the opening of the gown, and is usually of fine linen pleated and gathered round the neck. The pedimental head-dress, though its older variety is frequently found worn with the above dress, now assumes the form with which we are familiar in Holbein's portraits of the Queens and Court Ladies of Henry VIII' (Source: A Manual of Costume as Illustrated by Monumental Brasses, Herbert Druitt, pub.1906)