Chinese motifs on satin and paper

Chinese motifs on satin and paper embroidered, c.19th century

A selection of Chinese motifs embroidered in satin stitch, some on paper and some cut-free

These date from around the 19th century.

This embroidered pattern is a combination of flowers and butterflies. In a vivid rainbow of colours, the use of the butterfly in Chinese symbolism is very popular due to the pronunciation of the word butterfly as the first character 'hu' has a similar sound to 'fu' which means good fortune, thus they symbolise good luck. Multiple butterflies together also are believed to symbolise love and soulmates. Another representation of the butterfly is its association with change a development due to the evolutionary process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Overall, this design is very personal to the individual and each design and its use could differ per individual, thus the meaning and story behind this motif depends on the individual who embroidered it.

Researched with the support of the NLHF funded Data Hunters & Story Gatherers Project.

