Coin, Anglo-Saxon, 'Long Cross' type, silver, part of a hoard found at The Plantation, Bramdean Common, Bramdean, Hampshire, issued circa 997AD to 1003AD.
Silver penny of Aethelread II from a hoard of twenty coins
Anglo-Saxon, AD997-1003
Found at Bramdean, Hampshire
All the coins are of the 'Long Cross' type of Aethelred II, king of England AD978-1016, and all were produced by the moneyer Godric at the London mint. Soon after the accession of Aethelred II the troubles with the Vikings and Danes recommenced and England was attacked in the north and south. The hoard may have been buried for security as a response to the troubles but, for whatever reason, the owner never returned.
Purchased with the assistance of the MGC/V and A Purchase Grant Fund.