Fixture list, Eastleigh Town Football club, 1937-38 season.

A fixture list for Eastleigh Town Football club in the Southampton Senior League during the 1937-38 season.

The Southampton Senior League consists of 15 teams starting in August and ending in March. This league involves local teams some of which were supported by larger companies for example S.R. Eastleigh Athletic by Southern Railway to smaller community groups such as Southampton Labour Club. For smaller clubs, revenue was essential and it was common for advertisements to be placed for local businesses. Moreover, the importance of a strong fan base cannot be overlooked and this is recognised in their closing message which reads: 


'Incidentally may we hear your Treble, Alto, Baritone and Bass (not bottled), yes and even the fair Soprano and dark Contralto in the Park.'


This shows that the club are actively promoting a lively atmosphere at their home ground in Fleming park. To add, the sales of team cards and fixture lists were a further revenue stream that was highly promoted through the inclusion of a raffle based upon the team card's number, see HMCMS:SH1995.46.1. Like all sports, having a strong fan base is essential for constructing a financially stable club. However, this is made more prominent given the number of local clubs and their proximity. For example, Pirelli General Sports would host their games at Dew Lane, next to Fleming park, prior to their move to Chestnut avenue. Ultimately, these teams played on a grass roots level with a strong emphasis on their local communities.


This object was audited and researched as part of the National Lottery Heritage Funded Data Hunters and Story Gatherers project.

Made possible with Heritage Fund
Eastleigh Town Football club fixture list front cover
Double page spread showing an advert and the fixture list for the season.
Double page spread showing an advert and history of the club.
Double page spread showing an advert and thanking the supporters for their support.