Message to school children from King George VI, 1946.

A message from King George VI to school children to commemorate the of the Second World War, 8 June 1946.

The message is signed by King George VI and focuses on creating a sense of unity and pride for the nation and the 'courage, endurance and enterprise' that brought victory. The message ends with the hope that the school children will gain these values and have a world centred in peace and unity. The reverse contains a list of important war dates and a section dedicated to 'My family's war record', to further strengthen to bond between the personal hardship, sacrifice, and commitment needed for the Allied victory. The list of war dates starts with the German invasion of Poland, 1 September 1939 and ends 5 September 1945 with British forces re-entering Singapore. 

This object was audited as part of the NHLF Data Hunters and Story Gatherers project.

Made possible with Heritage Fund
Message focusing on sharing hardships and triumph of the allied nations.