Original sepia print of 25 High Street, Winchester showing the shop frontage of John Tracy and Co., wine and spirit merchant and agent for Gilbey's wines and spirits, c. 1885

Original sepia print of 25 High Street, Winchester showing the shop frontage of John Tracy and Co., wine and spirit merchant and agent for Gilbey's wines and spirits, c. 1885

Photograph of John Tracy and Co. at 25 High Street, Winchester

Taken about 1885

John Tracy and Co. was one of about twenty wine, spirit, ale and porter merchants in Winchester in the late 1880s, and was an agent for W and A Gilbey's wines and spirits. His premises were on the corner of the High Street and Market Street. In this image it appears that some of the stock in the shop windows is being protected from the sunlight by blinds.

The photographer is unknown; the photograph is found in an album entitled 'Winchester Views of Modern Buildings'.

Original sepia print of 25 High Street, Winchester showing the shop frontage of John Tracy and Co., wine and spirit merchant and agent for Gilbey's wines and spirits, c. 1885