Original sepia print of Bullington vicarage with two men and dogs, c. 1870

Original sepia print of Bullington vicarage with two men and dogs, c. 1870

Photograph of the vicarage at Bullington

Taken about 1870

St Michael's Church at Bullington was elevated to the status of having its own vicar in 1865. The parish was in the patronage of the Iremonger family of Wherwell Priory who were also incumbents in the mid 1800s. In this photograph two gentlemen pose in front of the brick and slate vicarage with their dogs.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87) and is found in an album entitled 'Hampshire Views of Churches, Country Houses and Public Buildings'.

Original sepia print of Bullington vicarage with two men and dogs, c. 1870