Original sepia print of the chapel, school buildings and the Meads, Winchester College, from the south west, with figures, c. 1870

Original sepia print of the chapel, school buildings and the Meads, Winchester College, from the south west, with figures, c. 1870

Photograph of Winchester College, Winchester

Taken about 1870

This photograph, which looks north-east from the recreation area known as The Meads where there is apparently a pause in playing cricket, gives a glimpse of several important buildings of Winchester College.

In the foreground is School, built in the 1680s as a classroom where several classes would study at any one time. To the right can be seen the cloister wall and a corner of Fromond's fifteenth century chantry chapel which is situated within the cloister and was also used as a library. Beyond that is the chapel which was one of the original College buildings; beside it is the tall fifteenth century bell tower which was rebuilt 1862-3.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87) and is found in an album of his work.

Original sepia print of the chapel, school buildings and the Meads, Winchester College, from the south west, with figures, c. 1870