Original sepia print of the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton showing the entrance porch with a figure in the churchyard, c. 1870

Original sepia print of the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton showing the entrance porch with a figure in the churchyard, c. 1870

Photograph of the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton

Taken about 1870

Exton lies in the Meon Valley about ten miles south-east of Winchester. The small flint Church of St Peter and St Paul is thirteenth century, although it was much restored 1847-8. The figure at the south porch is probably the Reverend George Saulez, who was the incumbent in the 1860s and early 1870s, and the boys posed by the churchyard wall may be three of his thirteen children.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87) and is found in an album entitled 'Hampshire Views of Churches, Country Houses and Public Buildings'.

Original sepia print of the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton showing the entrance porch with a figure in the churchyard, c. 1870