Original sepia print of College Street looking west, showing the outer gate of Winchester College, c. 1880

Original sepia print of College Street looking west, showing the outer gate of Winchester College, c. 1880

Photograph of College Street, Winchester

Taken about 1880

This view of College Street, which lies immediately south of the Cathedral Close wall, looks west towards Kingsgate Street. A small stream flows between the road and the wall on the right hand side. To the left the street is flanked by Winchester College buildings with the Warden's Lodgings in the foreground. Adjacent to them is the Outer Gate, which was built when the College was founded by Bishop William of Wykeham in the late fourteenth century to provide an education for seventy poor scholars who would, he hoped, ensure a supply of students for the New College he had founded at Oxford University. Between the tall buildings of the Outer Gate and the Headmaster's House (built 1839-42) is the original brewery, which was still in use in the second half of the nineteenth century.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87).

Original sepia print of College Street looking west, showing the outer gate of Winchester College, c. 1880