Original sepia print of Compton rectory, Compton, also showing garden, with two figures, c. 1870

Original sepia print of Compton rectory, Compton, also showing garden, with two figures, c. 1870

Photograph of the rectory at Compton

Taken about 1870

Compton lies nearly three miles south of Winchester. The rectory was built for a mid-eighteenth century rector who, with income from an estate in Essex, could afford to spend £533 on his new abode. It was restored and enlarged in 1833.

The gentleman seen here may be the Reverend John Old Zillwood who was the incumbent at Compton for forty years and prior to that, in the 1820s, chaplain of the gaol in Winchester. He died in 1871, so if the photograph is after this date it may depict his successor, the Reverend Charles Wickham.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87) and is found in an album entitled 'Hampshire Views of Churches, Country Houses and Public Buildings'.

Original sepia print of Compton rectory, Compton, also showing garden, with two figures, c. 1870