Original sepia print of Durngate Mill, Winchester, c. 1870

Original sepia print of Durngate Mill, Winchester, c. 1870

Photograph of Durngate Mill, Durngate Place, Winchester

Taken about 1870

There has been a mill at Durngate since at least the thirteenth century. For many centuries it was owned by the Bishop of Winchester and leased out for a substantial rent - in the mediaeval period Durngate was the richest of the city's mills.

The building shown here saw several changes to milling practices before its demolition in 1967, including the installation of iron gearing in the nineteenth century and of a turbine in the twentieth. The mill house is to the left with a tail race in the foreground. An eel trap in the tail race was a useful additional source of income for the miller.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87) and is found in an album of his work.

Original sepia print of Durngate Mill, Winchester, c. 1870