Original sepia print of Kingsgate Street, Winchester looking north with College pupils, c. 1875

Original sepia print of Kingsgate Street, Winchester looking north with College pupils, c. 1875

Photograph of Kingsgate Street, Winchester

Taken about 1875

Winchester College boys stand across Kingsgate Street, which lies just west of the College, enjoying a freedom denied to their predecessors - in 1830 pupils were not allowed to venture into College Street or Kingsgate Street.

The period of this photograph was one of significant progress at the College in a number of spheres. Under the headmastership of George Ridding, 1867-84, the boarding house system was greatly expanded, classrooms were established to replace the teaching of several classes in the single late seventeenth century building known as 'School', and sports facilities were improved.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87) and is found in an album entitled 'Winchester Views of Modern Buildings'.

Original sepia print of Kingsgate Street, Winchester looking north with College pupils, c. 1875