Original sepia print of St Mary's Church, Old Alresford from the south-west, c. 1870

Original sepia print of St Mary's Church, Old Alresford from the south-west, c. 1870

Photograph of St Mary's Church, Old Alresford

Taken about 1870

In the mid-eighteenth century it was decided to rebuild St Mary's Church at Old Alresford, which was in a poor state of repair. A new building of flint with brick bands was constructed in the early 1750s and the tower was rebuilt in 1769. Alterations in the following century included the addition of a north vestry and south transept and of perpendicular style windows in the nave as seen in this image.

From 1851 to 1885 the incumbent was the Reverend George Sumner, who subsequently became suffragan Bishop of Guildford. The work of his wife, Mary, in the village laid the foundations for the Mothers' Union movement.

The image conveys a sense of bright summer sunlight and dappled shade.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87) and is found in an album of his work.

Original sepia print of St Mary's Church, Old Alresford from the south-west, c. 1870