Original sepia print of Swan Lane, Winchester looking east towards Hyde Street with the White Swan in the background and part of Wyeth's Brewery buildings on the far left, c. 1875

Original sepia print of Swan Lane, Winchester looking east towards Hyde Street with the White Swan in the background and part of Wyeth's Brewery buildings on the far left, c. 1875

Photograph of Swan Lane, Winchester

Taken about 1875

Swan Lane is a small street on the southern edge of the Hyde area of Winchester. In the foreground are private dwellings and at the far end of the lane can be seen part of the frontage of the long established White Swan, a hotel and public house. Originally a coaching inn, in the later nineteenth century the White Swan's facilities included a billiards room and skittles alley as well as a popular bowling green with a club membership of around one hundred.

On the left in the photograph is the rear of Wyeth's Brewery. Breweries were a significant part of the commercial life of the city, and this was one of three breweries in Hyde Street and a dozen in the whole of Winchester at this time.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87) and is found in an album entitled 'Winchester Views of Modern Buildings'.