Original sepia print of the west side of the carved choir screen by G G Scott constructed in 1876, Winchester Cathedral, c. 1880

Original sepia print of the west side of the carved choir screen by G G Scott constructed in 1876, Winchester Cathedral, c. 1880

Photograph of the carved wooden choir screen in Winchester Cathedral

Taken about 1880

The photograph looks towards the east end of the Cathedral. This choir screen was erected in 1876 as a memorial to Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, who had died in a riding accident four years previously, and to the widely regarded Dean Thomas Garnier. The design, by the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott, was closely linked with early fourteenth century carved work in the choir. In marked contrast with the heavy stone structure it replaced, this screen had the effect of opening up the eastern end of the Cathedral and enhancing the sense of space.

The photographer's name appears on the right hand side of the steps.

The photograph was taken by Winchester photographer William Savage (1817-87) and is found in an album entitled 'Winchester Views of Old Buildings'.

Original sepia print of the west side of the carved choir screen by G G Scott constructed in 1876, Winchester Cathedral, c. 1880