Religious handbill for emigration to Emmanuel's land

Handbill, a religious extended metaphor where salvation is likened to a voyage of emigration to 'Emmanuel's land', and sin is a debt payable to God c.1880.


A notice to emigrants offering 'free passage' with 'the utmost care and comfort bestowed on every passenger'. The 'passenger' is taken aboard the Gospel ship on a journey to glory with this being the only vessel that can succeed in reaching Emmanuel's land. Emmanuel's land, also referred to as Immanuel's Land, refers to an idyllic and heaven like place where Christ is the King. To be in Immanuel's land means to belong to Christ, whose name is Immanuel, "God with us" (Isaiah 7:17, Matthew 1:23). 

Journey Summary

Vessel's NameGospel Ship.Romans i.16
Port which it leavesCity of Destruction.2 Peter iii.10
Bound forEmmanuel's Land.Hebrews xi.16
Time of sailingTo-day.Hebrews iii.7,8
The FareWithout money and without price.Isaiah iv.1
Captain's NameJesus Christ.Hebrews ii.10
CrewWorkers together.2 Cor. vi.1
PassengersSinners saved by grace.Romans v.1,2
Sea over which it passesTime.Revelation x.6
LighthouseHoly Scriptures.Psalm cxix.105
CompassTruth.John viii.32
SailsFaith and Love.2 Thess. i.3
WindThe Holy Spirit.John vi.63
StorageGrace.Isa. Iv. 2, 2 Cor. xii.9
AnchorHope.Hebrews vi.19

Reviews and quotes

'Passengers are supplied with everything on the voyage' - Phil.iv.19.

'The Vessel offers complete accommodation.' - Luke xiv.22.

'All are invited.' - Rev. xxii.17.

Reader! Are you on board this Gospel Ship bound for glory? If not, why not? Ah! why?

'There is no possibility whatever of a single Soul being lost on the passage.' - Matt xxv.46.

"Christ died for the ungodly."

Researched with the support of the NLHF funded Data Hunters & Story Gatherers Project.


Emigrants free passage religious metaphor for a journey to emmanuels land