Saucer Brooch

An incomplete cast gilded copper alloy Anglo Saxon saucer brooch

An early Medieval (Anglo-Saxon) saucer brooch, from the period c.AD 430-550. The edge of the brooch is chipped and the pin is missing. The display face of the saucer brooch has a zoomorphic design with what could be 3 beasts chasing each other around the brooch, each beast having 3-4 legs, a head and a tail. The head is looking back over the body towards its own tail with either horns or an ear protruding from the back of its head and a dot under their head. The head could also be facing away from the body and have a main present along its neck. The center of the brooch is a small circle with curved lines separating the 3 beasts. The gilt and design of this brooch have made it a decorative item, which have been used to join pieces of fabric together. These types were predominantly used by women to fasten dresses as well as their cloaks.

This brooch was unearthed by a metal detectorist around the Winchester area.

This item can also be found on the Portable Antiquities Scheme website as: HAMP-6BC0C4

An incomplete cast gilded copper alloy Anglo Saxon saucer brooch.