Shoes, pair, women's, sandals, dark blue cotton fabric, vamp made of bands of fabric gathered to central knot, round open toe, solid heel quarter, long dark blue laces knotted to vamp and threaded through channel in the heel quarter and then tied round

Shoes, pair, women's, sandals, dark blue cotton fabric, vamp made of bands of fabric gathered to central knot, round open toe, solid heel quarter, long dark blue laces knotted to vamp and threaded through channel in the heel quarter and then tied round ankle and lower leg, high wedge hee covered cream coloured hemp braid and trimmed blue blanket stitch detail where it joins sole, flat crepe sole with narrow heel, blue fabric insole printed Biga Style, approximate length overall 230mm, approximate heel height 95mm, approximate width of sole 85mm, c1977
Shoes, pair, women's, sandals, dark blue cotton fabric, vamp made of bands of fabric gathered to central knot, round open toe, solid heel quarter, long dark blue laces knotted to vamp and threaded through channel in the heel quarter and then tied round