Shoes, pair, women's, white satin, lined white kid, barette style vamp trimmed white silk ribbon bows, the upper two bars are elasticated, squared toe with rounded corners, knock-on heels, leather sole, approximate length overall 250mm, approximate heel

Shoes, pair, women's, white satin, lined white kid, barette style vamp trimmed white silk ribbon bows, the upper two bars are elasticated, squared toe with rounded corners, knock-on heels, leather sole, approximate length overall 250mm, approximate heel height 40mm, approximate width of sole 60mm, c1880s
Shoes, pair, women's, white satin, lined white kid, barette style vamp trimmed white silk ribbon bows, the upper two bars are elasticated, squared toe with rounded corners, knock-on heels, leather sole, approximate length overall 250mm, approximate heel