Shoes, pair, women's, white satin, pointed toe with oval diamante trim, straight rear seam, high curved and waisted Louis heel with kidney shaped top piece, heel covered in white plastic painted with design on an Egyptian theme in bright red, green and

Shoes, pair, women's, white satin, pointed toe with oval diamante trim, straight rear seam, high curved and waisted Louis heel with kidney shaped top piece, heel covered in white plastic painted with design on an Egyptian theme in bright red, green and gold and inset with multi coloured diamante, lined white kid, satin insole printed Debenham and Freebody, Wigmore Street, approximate length overall 240mm, approximate heel height 70mm, approximate width of sole 70mm, c1935
Shoes, pair, women's, white satin, pointed toe with oval diamante trim, straight rear seam, high curved and waisted Louis heel with kidney shaped top piece, heel covered in white plastic painted with design on an Egyptian theme in bright red, green and