There are over 26,000 plants held in the Hampshire Cultural Trust collections. Most of them were collected in Hampshire, although our oldest plant (right), Ling, Calluna vulgaris was found at Alderly Edge, Cheshire on 18 June 1737.
Vascular Plants
The vascular plants include: ferns and their relatives, pines and their relatives, and flowering plants. These are all mounted on herbarium paper and housed in purpose-built herbarium cabinets. As the plants have been pressed, they are unsuitable for display and are used for reference purposes.
The vascular plant collection contains about 21,000 specimens, with over 12,000 collected from Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Collectors include A W Westrup, R P Bowman, D E Allen, N E G Cruttwell and W A Bromfield.
D E Allen Herbarium
563 sheets
193 species
A collection of brambles (Rubus spp) collected in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight by David E Allen, a national authority on Rubus, from the 1970s to date. There are several new vice county and county records in the collection as well as an Isotype. (Rubus vindomensis D E Allen)
Basingstoke Museum Herbarium
1483 sheets
Vascular plants collected in the England, Wales and Scotland, mostly by unknown collectors, between 1886 and 1908
R P Bowman Herbarium
4523 sheets
Vascular plants collected by Paul Bowman and others between the 1950s and 1990s. Over 3,500 specimens were collected in south Hampshire (vice county 11)
Paul Bowman was one of the co-authors of the Flora of Hampshire, published in 1996. He was a founder member of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Naturalists Trust and was the botanical recorder for South Hampshire (vice-county 11) for about 20 years.
After his death in 1999, his vast collection of about 5000 Hampshire plant specimens, along with his files of collection data, referees and determinations came to the Museums Service. As the plants were housed in newspaper, these are currently being mounted onto herbarium paper prior to cataloguing and re-housing. About 3,467 have been catalogued to date.
G Blunden Herbarium
363 sheets
336 species, subspecies and varieties
Vascular plants collected by members of the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Portsmouth, from 1972 to date
Lady Anne Brewis Herbarium
1467 sheets
Vascular plants collected in the UK, with over half from north Hampshire (vice county 12). Collected mainly in the 1960s - 1990s by Lady Anne Brewis and others
Lady Anne Brewis & S R Davey Herbarium
50 sheets
Flowering plants from the Blackmoor Estate, Hampshire, collected by Lady Anne Brewis and Simon R Davey, mainly in 1972
W A Bromfield Herbarium
1,588 sheets
Vascular plants from the Isle of Wight, Hampshire and elsewhere collected in the middle/late 19th Century by William Arnold Bromfield, T Bell Salter, A G More, W Gardiner, and others. Includes over 1000 specimens collected on the Isle of Wight for the Flora Vectensis (1856, London), and 32 plants from Egypt and North Africa, collected by W A Bromfield in 1850-1851
See also Allen, D E (1982. Watsonia 14:67)
K A Childs Herbarium
701 sheets, 496 species, subspecies and varieties
Vascular plants collected by K A Childs and others within a 12 mile radius of Alton, Hampshire from c1920s to 1930s. Other collectors include: Stephen A Warner, Mrs W Warner, Braybrooke Marshall and C Langridge
Ref: Childs, K A: 1949: Herbarium List. Curtis Museum (Alton, Hampshire)
N E G Cruttwell Herbarium
1974 sheets
Over 1000 vascular plants collected by Canon Norman Edward Garry Cruttwell, J P M Brenan, and others from around Britain and France, mainly in the 1930s - 1940s. An additional 900 sheets were collected by members of the Garry family, mostly between 1898 - 1911
S R Davey Herbarium
283 sheets
Vascular plants collected by Simon Davey and others, in Hampshire, Dorset and other counties. in the 1950s and 1970s
B Goater Herbarium
164 sheets
Flowering plants collected mainly in Hampshire by Barry Goater, Jane Goater and others, from 1999 to date
R A Hadley Herbarium
116 sheets
116 species, subspecies and varieties
Vascular plants collected in 1972 by Mrs R A Hadley, as part of the transition from wet to dry soil conditions at Cranmoor Common, Hinton, Christchurch, Dorset
P M Hall Herbarium
257 sheets
141 species, subspecies and varieties
Vascular plants collected from around Hampshire by Patrick M Hall in the 1930s and 1940s. Some specimens were also collected by E C Wallace and incorporated into the herbarium. Originally housed in the Natural History Museum.
V M Leather Herbarium
167 sheets
118 species of flowering plants collected on Beacon Hill, Ewshott, Hampshire in 1960. All mounted with accompanying dissertation. Plus 49 shoddy weeds collected from Blackmoor Fruit Farm and surrounds and Alton Station, Hampshire. All collected by Vivien M Leather
Merret Herbarium
862 sheets (145 from Hampshire) stored loose leaf in 6 volumes
Vascular plants collected between 1885 and 1913, mainly from the south west counties and Hampshire. The herbarium was donated in 1953 by Mrs Merret, but the identity of the collector is unknown
A R G Mundell Herbarium
833 sheets
Vascular plants collected mainly in north Hampshire (vice county 12) by A R G Mundell and others, from the 1980s to date
M W Rand Herbarium
79 sheets
Flowering plant specimens collected by Martin Rand, mainly in South Hampshire (vice county 11), between 2003 - 2007
F Rose Herbarium
352 sheets
Vascular plants collected in the UK by Francis Rose and others, between 1932 – 1972
E Rothwell Herbarium
1212 sheets
Vascular plants collected from South West Hampshire, South East Dorset and other parts of the country, including Scotland and the Channel Islands, between 1900 and the 1940s. Originally housed with the Bournemouth Natural Science Society
H G Sadler Herbarium
127 sheets
121 species, subspecies and varieties
A collection of grasses (Poaceae), mainly collected from Hampshire and the Isle of Wight by H G Sadler, between 1905 - 1929
P Selby Herbarium
1012 sheets
Vascular plants collected mainly in south Hampshire (vice county 11) by Pete Selby and others, mostly between the late 1990’s and 2003
J E Tarbat Herbarium
229 sheets
Vascular plants collected by J E Tarbat, mainly in Hampshire and southern England, between 1891 and 1923. Originally held at the Red House Museum, Christchurch, Dorset.
A W Westrup Herbarium
1913 sheets, 920 species, subspecies and varieties
Vascular plants collected in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and surrounding counties by A W Westrup and others between 1940s and 1960s.
Alick W Westrup was a founder member of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Naturalists' Trust, now the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. For a number of years, until his sudden death in 1964, he had been working on a new 'Flora of Hampshire and Isle of Wight'.
His collection of plant specimens from Hampshire (vice-counties 11 and 12) and the Isle of Wight (vice-county 10), with a few from Dorset and further afield, was about one third completed at the time of his death. A W Westrup left his work to the Trust for the completion of the publication that he had started. The Westrup Herbarium was passed to Hampshire County Council for safe keeping and, in 1988, in accordance with conditions laid out by the Trust, transferred to the Hampshire County Council Museums Service.
Since being in the care of the Museums Service, the collection has been remounted where necessary and in many instances for the first time. The latter plants were stored in newspaper prior to further work being carried out by Westrup himself.
1900 sheets 1035 species (including sub species)
Other Herbaria
Rev W H Coleman Herbarium
152 sheets
63 species, subspecies and varieties
Vascular plants, mainly grasses, collected by Rev William Higgins Coleman 1816? – 1863, author of Flora Hertfordiensis. There are several associated collectors, presumably from the Botanical Exchange Society.
McLennan Herbarium
120 sheets
An album of flowering alpine plants collected by Miss McLennan in Switzerland
G Brind Herbarium
36 sheets
Ferns collected in the UK between 1851 – 1902. Donated by Miss G Brind, collector unknown
P Littlebury Herbarium
42 sheets
Vascular plants collected in Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight, mainly between 1910 and 1917. Collected by H C Littlebury and others, or obtained through a Botanical Exchange Club
Marshall Herbarium
68 sheets
Grasses (Poaceae) collected in Hampshire, mainly in vice county 11, between 1957 – 1969
D E de Vesian Herbarium
15 sheets
Flowering plants collected in Hampshire, mainly in the 1950s, by Miss D E de Vesian