Photograph, the inscription written by Arthur Orton inside the back cover of a novel, The Rivals by Gerald Griffin, 1829, vowing to take revenge on the man that opened a letter addressed to him, 11 March 1858. Used in evidence, exhibit D2 at the Tichbor

Photograph, the inscription written by Arthur Orton inside the back cover of a novel, The Rivals by Gerald Griffin, 1829, vowing to take revenge on the man that opened a letter addressed to him, 11 March 1858. Used in evidence, exhibit D2 at the Tichborne Trials, 1871-1874
vol 2, page 77
Photograph, the inscription written by Arthur Orton inside the back cover of a novel, The Rivals by Gerald Griffin, 1829, vowing to take revenge on the man that opened a letter addressed to him, 11 March 1858. Used in evidence, exhibit D2 at the Tichbor